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Dr. Abdul Hakkim. V.M received the award for best Professor in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Studies

Dr. Abdul Hakkim. V.M, Professor (SWCE) received the award for "Best Professor in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Studies" in the Glimpses of Agriculture Innovation Congress and Award Function held at Hotel Taj, Mumbai on 12.02.2020 and participated as a member of the expert panel in the Technical Session on "Climate Resilient Agriculture", chaired by Dr. Suhas P Wani, former Director, Research Programme, Asia and Director, ICRISAT Development Centre. 

College of Agriculture, Padannakkad

ഭാഷ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക


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കെ.എ.യു. (പി.ഓ.), വെള്ളാനിക്കര
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